
Very Late Photo Friday (Sorry Saturday?)

Today was interesting to say the least.  I got together with the household and I got my nails manicured.  Very good timing considering I broke a nail last night.

Ran by my favorite local camera store, Biggs Camera, and had a quick test done on my camera.  Good news, it seems that my wide-angle lens has the problem, not my camera.  That is a much lesser expense to have remedied.  (I'm starting to look for and price a good quality (ultra)wide-angle lens.)  For Philip's wedding, in two weeks, I decided I would rent a lens to be able to get some good shots.  This is also a way for my to test out a quality lens for posible future purchase.

Went with a friend to check on another friend who was supposed to have some medical procedures done today.  Upon getting there, we found out all the procedures got cancelled and there is no explanation as to why.  This friend has had a long battle with worker's comp to be able to get any type of treatment and is now suffering greatly because of the apparent ineptitude, and politics of a system supposed to help out the workers.

Anyways,  I was looking over photos from the past few years and really enjoyed going over the shots I took while in Ireland.  Here is one of Kylemore Abby.

Health-wise:  A good day, as usual it started with a little congestion which passed after my morning coffee.  My left leg issues seem to be lessening now that I have stopped wearing the cowboy boots and have started wearing my Doc Marten's again.  Hmmm.


What is Next

Today was pretty much another pretty common day for me.  Up with the alarm and an enjoyable pot of coffee.

Ran out and grabbed a late brunch sandwich from Bruegger's Bagel.  I call it my 1000-calorie breakfast bagel.  (Double bacon, egg, cheddar cheese, regular plain cream cheese on a toasted bagel (today it was an everything bagel). )

Afterwards I ran a couple of errands, and came home.

I think I need to somehow refocus myself and try to get back on track an accomplish a number of my personal goals.  Lately I just don't seem to be able to focus on getting things done.  I'm here wondering if it is just the result of me having a lot on my mind and the overwhelming sense of change coming.

I am not in fear of the change, actually I think I'm looking forward to it, whatever it actually is.  I have no idea if it is a good or bad change coming, I just know that a change is coming and it involves me.

Health-wise:  A good day.  A little congestion when I woke up, but as usual it passed by the time I finished my coffee.  I have noticed my appetite is decreased again, and I really need to stay focused on eating, otherwise I just don't eat.  I stopped wearing my cowboy boots today just to see if the heals are affecting my knee/groin on my left leg, which is a possibility according to WebMD.


Learning and Headaches

Today started out relatively well as I enjoyed a good pot of coffee.  I was looking forward to today's class with John Greengo on CreativeLIVE all about exposure.  It was a great class!

After the class/webinar, I developed a serious headache.  It was bad enough that I shut down everything and took a nap to overcome the throbbing pain.

Upon waking, several hours later, I found Vapour asleep on my legs.  Apparently he decided to take a nap as well.  I got up and grabbed a light dinner.  I ended up calling a friend of mine in Ontario for a conversation tonight.  I hadn't been talking with her in quite some time.  It was great catching up with her and hearing about her new boyfriend.

Health-wise:  Light congestion today, and developed a serious headache this afternoon.  Even after the nap, I am still tired tonight.


Fun Day

Today was a lot of fun.  It started relatively early, with me grabbing a fresh pot of coffee and enjoying it while Vapour curled up in my lap.  Then a brunch with Mistress LunaSea turned into an all afternoon errand running excursion.  It was a great time and fun conversation.

That lead into spending time with the household and then helping edit some homework Mistress LunaSea had completed.  As I was preparing to leave, we all ended up playing with the new kittens.  Wow, the runt was very adorable and just loved playing with my hand and fingers.  All four kittens are just too cute for words.  I'll have to bring my camera back then and do a kitten photo shoot.

Getting home MUCH later than I had planned, I'm enjoying Stan's streaming radio show, Musical Conversation.  It is a great listen starting at 9PM (EST) and going until either the listeners (or Stan) 'drops off'...  It's not almost 1:30am and it's still going strong!

Health-wise:  Today was a great day!  Good energy, good breathing.  Just some random coughing while walking around with Mistress LunaSea which always passed quickly after a couple of coughs.


Life Continues

This was a decent weekend.  I took it easy this weekend and rested and relaxed.  I got together with friends and had a bonfire for Beltane.  I also enjoyed a night of drinks with Mistress LunaSea and the household.

Good news!  I now have health coverage through Medicare!  It started on May 1!

Today I enjoyed listening to the rain and catching up on a few things on the computer.

I'm looking forward to my webinar tomorrow with Art Wolfe about The Creative Eye.  Tomorrow is the last of the three weeks Art has presented.  It has been very fascinating and inspiring.

Health-wise: Saturday, during the day I felt like I was fighting getting the flu, but after dinner it passed and I was feeling good by the time I was to leave for the bonfire.  Just a little congestion in the mornings which passes after meds and coffee.