
Photo Friday

Today was another day in the life and times of me.  No kidding says you.  I got to run some mandatory errands, mostly picking up necessities for my kitty, Vapour.  Then I ran out and caught up with a friend that I hadn't seen in too long.

Taking time afterwards to surprise Mistress LunaSea with a little gift and some good conversation.

Went out tonight with a couple of friends and got introduced to a new restaurant, Fran's Fill Station.  WOW, it is fantastic!  I ate too much and ended up feeling like a stuffed pig as I drove home.  I will definitely be going back.

This being Photo Friday, here is a an iPhone photo of my kitty, Vapour.  Yes, I am underneath the blanket that Vapour is napping on.

Health-wise:  Today was another good day, my knee is a little stronger, but still not as much as I would like.  Better is still an improvement. 


'Not The Doctor'

I had an adventure getting my hair cut (and coloured) today.  Every time I chose a colour, they could not find the right colour or dye. Wonderful!  I ended up getting a trim and a very cool violet/black colour.  I'm very happy with the results!

Afterwards I heard about a lot of 'issues' and 'concerns' from friends and the household.  I had to remind myself of the Alanis  Morissette song, "Not The Doctor".  I can't fix or save anyone other than me, and I can barely do that for myself.  I can however make myself happy, and allow others to talk/vent around me in a non-judgmental way.  I need to let them heal themselves, but I can help and just be there as best I can for them.

Health-wise:  Good day.  Left knee still a little weak, but getting a little stronger.


Something Accomplished

Finally, today I made the decision and signed up for a Medicare plan.  After spending several weeks, and countless hours reading and comparing plans, I had narrowed it down to two plans.  Everything started to look the same for me, one a little better here, the other there.  I decided I needed to sound this off of someone who is knowledgeable of me, healthcare and is (mostly) logical.  I called home and spoke with Dad and Claudette.  That greatly helped and I made a decision.

Now, I wait until it becomes active in May. Yay!

Also, this evening I assisted Mistress LunaSea prepare and submit an application for a scholarship!  I got to see Her previous transcripts and, wow, She kicks ass when She is focused on school!  Best of luck to Her on the scholarship and achieving Her degree in Psychology.

Health-wise:  I had a good day, except for a coughing fit I went into at the end of the phone call home.  Something was 'tickling' the back of my throat and I just couldn't break it.


Day of the Headache

Today would definitely fall under the category of weird for me.

It started out really well, me feeling well and excited to be getting my Photoshop and Dreamweaver software.  However, after getting out, picking up the software and returning home, I developed a headache that just did not want to let up.  I took some meds, installed the software and the headache grew worse!

It got bad enough for me to shut down all sound/light and take more meds and cover my eyes and attempt to rest.

A couple of hours later, the headache is starting to let up, but now I am just feeling drained.  Decided to take it easy for the rest of the evening and hopefully get some good rest tonight.

Health-wise:  Breathing was very good today, however the day was consumed with my headache.



Had a good relaxing and enjoyable weekend.

Not a whole lot of note to mention, just I really need to make a decision about my medicare plan.  As I go over the options of the Part 'C' choices I've narrowed my decisions down to, and do my research I have found two things.  First, given an average year, I don't think there is really a 'bad' choice for me.  Secondly, given a bad year, I don't think there really is a 'good' choice for me.

Tomorrow, I will get my software from my sister and, hopefully, get the last of my 'research' completed so I can finalize my decision in the next day or two.

Health-wise:  This weekend was really good, as was today.  A little congestion yesterday as the weather changed, but I overcame that quickly.  Sleep is still irregular, but starting to get a little more routine again.  I'm hoping for a good night sleep soon.